photo of people doing handshakes

My move to management – Learnings (Part 1)

As I complete 15 years in the software industry, I now feel I have learnt enough by my experiences that I can finally share some advice with folks new to management roles or the software industry in general. I have been mentoring a lot of folks at work over the years and have a decent […]


Configuring Kubernetes RBAC on Google Cloud Platform

In this post we will look at how to configure RBAC (https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/) for a Kubernetes cluster hosted on Google Cloud Platform. This post assumes that you have at least Editor rights to your GCP project in order to configure IAM, Cloud Storage and Kubernetes Engine. You will also need to have admin access to your


Deep Dive : TIBCO BusinessWorks REST features – Part 1

In this series of blog posts I will be covering some of the well known (as well as unknown) features of REST Support for TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 6.x as well as TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition. Most of these features are common for both products and if there are any subtle differences are called out for


What happened to my TIBCO posts?

TIBCO has been very supportive for me to maintain my blog but due to some compliance policies I need to reword most of my posts. Until I can find the time to edit all the older posts to be compliant with our policy they will not be available on my blog. If you have any


What is TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition on AWS Marketplace?

At the last leg of TIBCO Now in San Diego, TIBCO revealed ourĀ  new integration flavor – TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition and Plugins for AWS Marketplace There were some really good questions at the Solutions Showcase in which a lot was discussed around this. So you might be thinking yet another flavor of BusinessWorks? Which

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